Thursday, January 13, 2011

B.C- Burnaby

It was the last day! One more great adventure then it was back to home plate Ontario. We ended are voyage in Burnaby British Columbia, It was a beautiful place lush forests on one hand and tall glass commercialized buildings on the other. We ate at the Burnaby Hart house in Deer Lake. They had a divine selection of sea food and im not big on sea food but there lobster could convert me to a pescetarian any day. After that very fulfilling lunch we headed over to Burnaby lake regional national park to maybe get some walking done. We had heard that it had a great vast selection of birds but due to there migration that was an experience that would have to be missed. But don’t get me wrong we were still very impressed The trees seemed as tall as the C.N tower covered in snow like white sky scrapers, it was silent and all to hear was the sound of  all are feet crunching in the snow and the occasional visit for the buffalos which up  until now I had ever seen in person. Large but very creatures I must admit. To end the day we went ot Burnaby village museum to get some last minute knowledge. The museum was a reincarnation of the early stages of Burnaby it was almost like we were transported back to 1920. On our drive back to Ontario all I could think about was how lucky I felt I got to brave the highest mountains of Newfoundland, Get over my fear or reptiles, talk with a real mayor, see an astounding exhibit and make my own maple sugar all with my family life doesn’t get much better then that. This experience has been life changing and I posted this blog to hopefully encourage you to really look at Canada in a new glorious perspective I know I  sure do.

B.C- Burnaby
Lat & long- 52°25'N131°19'W
Population- 216,336
Population density- 2,275.6/km2 
Landforms- Sedimentary rocks, Talus slopes, Fault, many caves, Stone stripes, tall trees
Climate- winters not too cold summers warm average high 12.5 °C yearly average low 6.3 yearly
Ecozones- Taiga cordillera 
Closest national parks- Burnaby lake regional national park
Industries- salt water fishing industry 
Tourism – Barnet Marine Park, Hart house restaurant 
Burnaby lake regional national park
 map of British Columbia
Hart house Restaurant

Alberta –Lethbridge

 Banff National park
 City of Lethbridge
  RobinPick Berry Farm maze

 The Erudition

So far are adventure was going great I was very sad that it would be coming to an end after we ventured to Lethbridge in Alberta there was only one stop left. We arrived to Lethbridge sow e decided to visit a art gallery the Southern Alberta art gallery
We saw the exhibit of The Erudition it was a cinema and science fiction displaying the forgotten places of Alberta. It was very beautiful when I got back I know that that would be something to explain to my friends even though words could not describe the true beauty of it. We went to the Gazebo café where my family and I shared thoughts on the art gallery. To end the day we went to Lethbridge corn maze I took an estimated one hour for me to get out but about two for my dad and brother. Of the night we stayed at the Lethbridge lodge there was even a little nature dome inside you could tour it was a unique experience. Fortunately for us even though they had a outdoorsy and nature theme we wouldn’t be eating sticks and berries Lethbrige lodge had a 4 star restaurant, Lethbridge is known for there always delicious beef so I myself had a burger. 

Alberta –Lethbridge
Lat & long- 49°45'N112°45'W
Population- 74,637
Population density- 611.9/km2
Landforms-- Hummocky moraine, grass lands, pot holes, flat land, many swamps and ponds
Climate- summers are warm winters are cold average high 12.3°C yearly average low 1.1°C yearly.
Ecozones- Prairies
Closest national parks- Banff National park
Industries-Coal Mining
Tourism pictures and maps-southern Alberta art gallery, RobinPick Berry Farm

Manitoba – Brandon Manitoba

 City of Brandon
 Riding mountain National park 
Map of Manitoba

It was Friday evening when we reached Brandon Manitoba we stayed in my mother’s friend’s home. It was nice to enjoy a home cooked meal as apposed to room service and the finger sandwiches made for the car rides .In the morning we decided   to see what all the talk was about and go over to grand valley Provencal park. The scenery was astounding there was an abundant amount of trees I was hoping we would not get lost, plus the surprise visits from the wood animals such as moose, bears, dears and chipmunk made it all that more magical. But there were animals I was not looking forward my dad knew that Brandon had the largest reptile exhibit in all of Canada so he really wanted to take a look. , Westman Reptile Gardens was certainly an experience there were over 300 reptiles including snakes, turtles, spiders, crocodiles and other scaled creatures. Not only would I be going home with some new French skills but id also have a brand new appreciation for small garden snakes in my grandmas back yard.     


Manitoba – Brandon Manitoba
Lat & long- 49.84 N: 99.96 W
Population density- 539.9/km2
Landforms- Hummocky moraine, grass lands, pot holes, flat land, many swamps and ponds
Climate- summers warm winters cold average high 8.8 °C average low -4.0 °C
Ecozones- Prairies
Closest national parks- Riding Mountain national park 
Industries- steel building industries
Tourism – grand valley Provincial Park, Westman Reptile Gardens

Quebec – Drummondville

 Small Cafe in Drummondville
 Map of Quebec

 show playing at Box Cabaret Theater

Unfortunately we had to leave Corner Brook but our next destination was also full of fun and adventure. We took a boat right on over to Quebec where we stayed in a city called Drummondville. We decided to stay at the Best Western to feel a little closer to home. Whatever we were doing tomorrow I know it would be good. My parents surprised me by taking us to Cabane a sucre Chez Ti-Pere in other words a maple sugar shack! Personally being able to make your own maple sugar and syrup was quite a fun experience, also getting to put my French to the test with the owner Cécile Boyce was one also a challenge. For dinner we went to Box Cabaret Theater to see a comedy act the theater can fit up to 2000 people and built in 1999. Although I couldn’t exactly understand the French comedian it sure was a great experience, and I would have a couple new French words up my sleeve when I got home. 

Quebec – Drummondville
Lat & long- 45°55'N72°25'W
Population- 67,392
Population density- 273.1/km2
Landforms- wetland, foggy, costal low land
Climate- summers hot winters cold average high around10.7°C average low around 1.8°C
Ecozone- Atlantic maritime
Closest national parks- La Mauricie national park  
Industries-Fondrière Blueberry industry
Tourism -Cabane a sucre Chez Ti-Pere maple sugar shack. Box Cabaret Theater

Newfound Land – Corner Brook

 Corner Brook At night
 Map of NewFoundLand
Gros morne National park

Our family always goes on a trip during the winter break, but this year apposed to the regular trip to Jamaica we decided to go adventure around Canada to try to learn more about our beloved country seeing as in my 14 years iv lived in Canada iv only seen Ontario. We started off in Newfoundland and stayed in the beautiful city of Corner Brook. When we arrived finally we stayed in the hotel Greenwood Corner Brook inn.  I was quite anxious to see what we would do in the morning so sleep was at a minimum.   The first day we decided to go skiing on Blow Me down Mountain this one of corner brooks most famous and largest mountains. To learn more about the city my family and I went to the Corner Brook museum, but that’s only after we had lunch of course after all that skiing we needed it. The museum was built in 1925 starting as a court room, post office, and telegram office. The museum taught me a lot about the aboriginal people history, marine history, and the social history of Newfoundland. The next morning was the day we got to meet the mayor Neville Greeley was his name he told us about the mayors before him such as Dave Luther in 1997–2001 and Charles Pender in 2005–2009. We ended or Newfoundland trip with a bang and went to Gros Morne Nationla Park to hike and sight see. The visionary was mesmerizing at the tops of Gros Mountain really feeling on top of the world looking down on the glissading frozen water was a whole new life experience.  

Newfound Land – Corner Brook
Lat & long- 48°57'N 57°58'W
Population- 20,083
Population density- 135.5/km2 
Landforms- mountainous, large amount of lakes, glacial striations, Rocky hills
Climate- summers warm winters cold average high throughout the year 8.9°C
Average low through out the year 1.2°C
Ecozone- Boreal Shield
Closest national parks- Gros Morne national park
Industries- Paper industry
Tourism pictures and maps-Blow me down mountain, Family Adventure Park